Sunday, 27 July 2008

Participation and Service

[07/20/2014] This years Asian Bio Chemical Cybernetic Congress closed up with a surprising Final Motion. The participants approved the text from an anonymous text, received from an elementary school in the south pacific. Before an astounded group of attendees, that included renowned scientists, the small hologram designed by and explained with a youthful handwriting, brought a summarized and clear list of principles of respect to life and to notions of ethics and love that all conscious being must use when at scientific investigations at any time or planet.

When the author of this work was investigated through the school registry, the classroom teacher said that she only selected one among 15 others that were presented by their students! It was a decision from her students to keep the work anonymous, being that they all thought in the same manner. It is important for the students of these days, that matters of interest of all become a part of consciousness of the majority. Vanity and pride submit their place to the new sense of cooperation and service. At the final synthesis of the document, the students repeated one of the Principles of the Master Mind: “To go against the evolution of the human, the animal, the mineral, the cosmos, the society, the family, the nation, the fellow human being, all things, etc., is to go against yourself". [Registry 24]

Who are we defending?

{07/27/08} During the times of planetary dispensation, the countries that grow in their enforcement of territorial and immigration regulations, at a moment when they should be discussing the distribution of riches pro human life. There is a negative feeling towards the future and first world nations believe they should preserve their territories, from the “invasion” of other human beings from poorer nations and in a state of disarray and wars.

It will be difficult to explain to future generations the reason for these decisions, when history is going through scrutiny, related to human occupation of the planet. To explain why the most important and armed nations colonized and continue to impose their game of power to the weakest. How they would just take their assets, without even providing the basic means for their development, to provide them with independence to progress and survive.

The most incomprehensible of these histories of the past is that human greed from harmonic societies did not guarantee anything for the “winners.” The total lack of respect to cosmic laws, global warming caused by aggression to nature and abandonment of entire populations to be on their own, would “return” in the way of new ailments, madness and spiritual misery, for the “winning” societies. A great part of the developed countries were living under conditions of “moral abandonment” and an unprecedented disaggregation in the history of the planet. {Chronics 121}

Sunday, 13 July 2008

New Life

[07/06/2014] – New atomic mass. Electrons. New Life. The molecular reorganization of the Planet, Saint Star of Liberation, also known as Urantia, is being studied by scientists that arrived from various parts of the Galaxies. At the temporal registry 1.587 ed* 38 interplanetary delegations were announced and will participate in tens of encounters.

The Government of the Seven Continents published via “Global Intercommunication” the aperture for the population of all scientific the aperture, for the population of all the scientific symposiums that are being held in the planet, with possibility of interaction for the lecturers and the assisting public to discuss matters of worldly interest.

Genetic mutation that used to develop monsters advanced to bioenergetics evolution that occurred while the Planet was being displaced. All the chemical transformation of the atmosphere, quadrupled the birth of children that used to be considered over qualified, but now, there are such quantities, that these births are natural. All of these are creating new parameters to define the human being capacities. Will it be that good nature and moods have improved as well? We can hear laughing everywhere! [Registry 23]

The New Nomads

{13/07/2008}Surprising migratory flow could be registered this year in diverse countries of the first world and this is causing interest with the authorities of most of the European nations and American states. The final information is still being gathered, but the actual quantities in transit over the planet has reached approximately one million two hundred and fifty thousand families, having been displaced from their countries of origin.

The difference between migratory flows is that they do not start from countries at war, with problems of political persecution, religious or racial, climate changes or other adverse situations that could cause exodus.

That what is being noticed in the year end of the diplomatic corp. and the intelligence agencies, as well as the border patrols, is a surprising movement coming from the more developed nations in direction to South America and even Africa. The first shifting was un- noticed, being that the economical powers was hiding the real intentions of the groups and corporations. More and more Europeans purchased land in areas before considered “the third world,” whether it would be Brazil or other South American countries. The silent invasion, was perceived by the native populations, would carry them to other concerns, remembrances of times of colonizing these lands. How is it expected that the people moving will not devastate the planet? What ways of thinking would these people carry with them? {Chronics 122}