[21/12/2014] End of the year. Old Registries resound in the minds of survivors of the old world. Memories are like learned lessons and do not carry pain any longer. There is relief for the load of tribulations remained in their past. One lives with enthusiasm the laboring that is ahead: every man, woman and child is important for the rest, because each was born to complement the needs of the other. How then could we be of use to others?
A new line of conduct shaped itself in that year of 2014: watch over the thoughts and conduct them by the way of Love. Everyone has already perceived that the brain works uninterruptedly and that conscious humans of today are trying to establish order to those thoughts. Each daily challenge, each small action is placed under a perspective of goodness, beauty and usefulness.
At the same time it is desirable to open future perspectives; then, many young ones start tracing their live planning. How they choose to live their lives, what they wish to accomplish, how far they wish to advance. They perceive that the adults experience contains treasures of wisdom and the today relationship is of fun inter relating between the Young and the more experienced. This was the ideal projected by humanity in the past that now became reality. What about what the Young ones will Project for 2050, 2075? There is infinite number of possibilities. [Registry 35]
A new line of conduct shaped itself in that year of 2014: watch over the thoughts and conduct them by the way of Love. Everyone has already perceived that the brain works uninterruptedly and that conscious humans of today are trying to establish order to those thoughts. Each daily challenge, each small action is placed under a perspective of goodness, beauty and usefulness.
At the same time it is desirable to open future perspectives; then, many young ones start tracing their live planning. How they choose to live their lives, what they wish to accomplish, how far they wish to advance. They perceive that the adults experience contains treasures of wisdom and the today relationship is of fun inter relating between the Young and the more experienced. This was the ideal projected by humanity in the past that now became reality. What about what the Young ones will Project for 2050, 2075? There is infinite number of possibilities. [Registry 35]