Friday, 30 January 2009

Towards the Expression of the Being

[01/18/2015] Although not all humans would accept the Divine Government over the planet, the changes continue their way. The difficulty in full acceptance of the Command of Celestial Ranks is that the perception of the Highest is only possible through faith and the internal connecting with the Being, and many souls are still imprisoned by the rebellious echoes of materialism and old sciences. This is not holding humans back from sharing a common goal for the good, and harmony to be preserved by liberty of thought and personal search.

That being, at this beautiful year of 2015 one can observe a growing movement of praises, with many human being groups trying to encounter the most harmonious ways of expression and thankfulness, for the reconnection with the worlds of the Spirit, and others, searching to find philosophical clarity over the paths of humanity. Some prefer to search for the routes of constructive knowledge, inspired by the Divine Architect, while others preserved their rights of free thinking, of pure mathematics and exact science.

Humanity is mostly together into their acceptance of a Divine origin, although what is discussed is the nature of that divinity, once human beings inherited various beliefs that took them afar from the truth. What are the angels, what is the spirit made of, what are the Ranks, how to measure a soul´s evolution and what is the best way to activate an internal communication with your own self? These are some questionings that motivate the today´s human beings. [Registry 37]

Virus of national sovereign status

{01/25/2009} “The new Era, as a Light Path, requires to be ruled by The Code of Love so it can project its light over man,” is said by the ignored document by those who made war flourish at the end of 2008. The inferior bodies of men, that engulfed anger and disdain needed of the Regency of Love (where Light comes from), to clarify the fogginess that prevented them to discover the Divine Presence in each and to perceive that they are all brothers and sisters.

It was enough to click at the virtual communications net, named Internet, so that the basis for a new way of life would find each other, free of separations, connected to the Matrix Source where everything is originated. But the clicks where used for more consumerism, without the need to exit their homes and remain watching the stock markets. In the mean time, the dark sides of weapons commerce continue to prosper and family men that considered themselves as honest gained their sustaining needs by the fabrication of ammunition that would be unloaded into innocent targets.

Some countries that were known as peaceful where fattening their arks by exporting guns and immoral and destructive bombs, to then make claims about the surge in their own internal violence at their cities.

Not even the simplest Cosmic Law could be considered by the governing powers: “To go against the evolution of others is to go against you.” The virus of the national sovereign status, installed among the opponents of the unequal forces, demolished the universal aspiration that demanded understanding among men. {Chronicle 108}

Sunday, 11 January 2009

Actions in The Light

[04/01/2015] An old Banner, to alert the beings in the light that walked our paths before us said: “You will Glorify My Name, My Presence; you will Saw the Light of the ‘I Am’. You will Command the Forces of Love. Unify the broken or torn.”

The comprehension of the presence of The Father is a reality in the hearts of the majority of humans; our Unity with Him in the I Am is as well. To act in the Commanding of the Forces of Love passed to be the aspiration of everyone, that presents themselves to be in action in the planet, and thereafter, when they perish. For that what is still divided, what is the challenge of a planet that ascended to the level of Star of Liberation? Or what is still in the darkness? The broken or torn is found in each of us. Dark spots of pain, hidden registries, mistakes and sins that still need to be brought out to the light.

The teachings tell the man that he can only reach his goal when he helps others to reach them, with uninterested pure love. Purity is the necessary qualification for the human soul to ascend to the life in the Spirit. Then we will pass into respect one another, into a relationship with nature, with the material, and the human will go through a revision: each Word, each action, each thought is brought forth with utmost care, love and conscience. [Registry 36]

The Year that Preceded the Change

{11/01/2009} With the evidence of the distortions created by the human economic system, that caused the creation of the greatest corporations, moved solely by human greed, by 2008 had taken the shape of demons of evil. Ferocious, destructive and apparently invincible, generated unemployment, hunger and misery. Massive numbers of people resigning to their positions, bankruptcies, disappearance of capitals in record times, brought forth currency and employment scarcity. The social and private assistance grids of basic services for the people started to collapse. Crisis started to show painful scenes at the first world: food lines, people dying of hunger and sickness being unable to receive government help.

These “financial entities” that showed no interest in following laws, respect nature and not even human life in the planet, making use of twisted mechanisms to change the laws, using political power and institutional weaknesses to cover up their actions, continued to withdraw the most for their convenience, disregarding the actual situation.

The biggest depravation was the taking over of the planet life support systems – everything that was created and placed to the disposal of the free man at no cost, was being taken, shared and divided as private property of men that never showed their faces. Earnings and anxiety to possess was the motivation to their existence.

At the end of 2008, a world alert was proclaimed: “That what is being demanded today out of humanity, and of all governments is that all technology, projects and systems and reunited and activated as an emergency, to attend the possible and imminent increase of catastrophe and geological changes that are to starting in the planet.” Nevertheless, the brilliance of the Christmas and end of year holiday celebrations distracted full of fear and sleeping masses. {Chronic 109}