Sunday, 7 October 2007


[29/09/2013 – Sunday] – This is a description of the exterior appearance of the planet (The Holy Star of Liberation), in the year of cleansing. More subtle bodies, without the density characteristic of ancient humans, experience new sensations, touch, notions of volume, etc. All people have changed and are now recovering forgotten senses. The terms employed here relate to similar matter, matter more subtle than the “old planet earth”. Steps are described as a gentle touch due to the dramatic change in atmospheric pressure. It can be described as touching cotton wool and so on and so forth. The change in the way of we live does not eliminate the body of concepts; on the contrary, those concepts will be utilized freely until they are incorporated into a new language based on current experiences. There are extensive new fields, stretching all the way to the horizon. New lakes have emerged. After so many changes to the Earth we still can’t fully assess the scale of the change. Earthquakes, tidal waves, volcanoes, fires and other phenomena of extraordinary proportions followed happened as a result of profound climatic chaos and after that – a peaceful time. [Entry 3]

{07/10/2007 – Sunday} “According to my Truth, day and night are One, in heaven and on earth, inside and outside are One. Yesterday and tomorrow are Today, Here and Now To Be, simply Be”. – And if I am warning you that the encounter has been written on the stars? That the Father’s Creation will be reunited to Him and thus Re-Create the expansion of His Universe? It is quite a thought, isn’t it? It means that a great renewal is implicit, isn’t it? Why do we insist in continue with a “non-life” when all the Existence waits for us? The main danger of matter is the illusion brought by its temporary existence. You can’t grasp another “reality” that is not tangible, visible. Does a city exist because of its buildings and avenues? Or because of the idea of city it contains within? How could Dom Bosco see so much fortune where there wasn’t anything besides virgin fields? Let’s go and meet humankind’s greatest aspiration: to evolve towards the Being, leaping towards it if necessary. A change is imbedded in our hearts, the most fervent request man has ever made until now: to See himself in total Light and Glory! {Chronicle 142}

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