Tuesday, 1 January 2008

Do we attract what we fear the most

{16/12/2007} More and more news from all corners of the planet reach us. “Golden, indigo” children are found with distinct DNA; amazing ruins or archeological findings; new planets; extinct species; the possibility of greater and newer catastrophes, yet the same doubts, power games, greediness. The hidden powers surface: secret societies are now out in the open for those who wish to join in. The line between good and evil becomes subtle. What does it all mean? In a way we are surprised by the creative power of the minds responsible for the materialization of the intra- earthlings and the aliens. Numerous facts, not always coherent with the existing system. Questions without answers. It all creates a great desire to see something happening, even if it is generated by an alien force!! In the mean time we give up on trying to see the Light that shines and points out the Real world as the only entrance-exit, the only way to access the Being we are. Extremism is reinforced, indifference and selfishness increase and the virus of consumerism, stronger each time, gains a foothold in the newer generations – no one is able to stop it or find a cure. The more sensible are driven insane asking for a liberating apocalypse. “Oh men of good will! Is that what the planet is here for? {Chrocnicle 137}

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