Sunday, 24 February 2008

Intelligent Reconstruction

[16/02/2014] So many opportunities activate the creative senses of man and woman in the planning and reconstruction of cities, houses, places of service and entertainment. New functions emerge to look after the citizens. Multiple choices to act towards the common good in this planetary moment, filled with so much contentment that the most complex work is compared to a puzzle: a challenged aimed at giving satisfaction each time a piece fits in.

New experiments with sound, colour, energy and the new dimension emerge particularly amongst the young. Everything acquires a new purpose, clearer and more resplendent to the humankind. The different races familiarize themselves with the technology that is emerging, and with only fair profit as a motivation unnecessary inventions are no longer pursued. Instead, the quest for durability and quality in each small object re-emerges. The machine starts to really serve men. [Entry 13]

The power of the past

{24/02/2008} A Land of super-heroes? Is this the future we aspire to? Will there be enough depth of consciousness to realize that this is the era of Light, the Light of the Being? Who still lives in the previous era, the era of powerful humans, already realized or saw some feats being realized through the use of super powers. Or haven’t they? They’ve seen what those who hold political powers, material powers and the power of sex can do. Many of us have seen those movies many times. A thousand times. And we know it never ends. The super-hero always has to fight his nemesis, story after story. The movie doesn’t end because the one with the power does not realize that the nemesis is within, that the nemesis is a projection of his own duality! While he fights for the good, he attracts evil. How many people have said “I fight for the good”? And does good need to fight to be? Fight for peace? Is it possible peace through war? What is the point of equilibrium, the moment to reconcile the action? How to reach the “Super” that exists within each one of us without retaining it in the Ego and thus generating its opposite? The sweet word is surrender. Surrender of the Super-Ego. Do not seek to retain it, give up trying to control it. Simply “Be”. Acept the Being and balance shall manifest itself. This is the challenge for those who still are in the past. {Chronicle 132}

Monday, 11 February 2008

Contracts between partners

[02/02/2014] Families have improved significantly with the implementation of a communication network for the Emergence of Light and Love in the Family. Men and women register to form new families according to their characteristics and aspirations. The task of meeting the ideal partner, one of the most complexes in the universe, is now facilitated by deeper understanding of genetics; a study of planetary nature (formerly called star signs) and even spiritual transcendence.

With awakened souls there are clearer signs of affection towards fellow beings. Men and women are more aware of physical attraction, emotional involvement, passion, intellectual admiration or when there is a true meeting of souls. Choices are free or guided, according to each individual’s preference. Companionship contracts are promoted based on the objectives of the new couple, normally for periods of two years. The number of years defined in the contracts can be renewed or extended if the couple wishes to stay together, have children or work in greater planetary actions.

Although the new lineage of light-Beings is already being announced, this evolutionary leap will be destined to youth with the new genetic standard. Humans of the old genetic class now seek to improve their relations with others and achieve the highest possible quality of love in their relations with their children, friends, relatives, neighbors, and new brothers coming from other galaxies. [Entry 12]

Contradictions emerged

{02/10/2008} For many generations – something requested of rulers – it is natural to live in harmony with one’s fellow creatures (including all of nature). This generation is often not understood even by the previous generation – their own parents. We can see this genetic contradiction emerging at a critical moment, when our concepts of right and wrong are put to test by our own internal feeling! Imagine your “five senses” expanded to forty nine. The sense of intuition, which was nothing but speculation before, now becomes present and unquestionable in everyone. The sense of anticipation is notified at each instant. The sense of foreseeing that shows us the possible outcomes for each act, each action.

Think of a world where the law of magnetic attraction is no longer only in books, but can be perceived by our senses, like we can perceive hot and cold. And where we can control our body and adapt to surrounding temperature, and begin to play with our atomic weight. We accept that we are technological wonders of Divine nature and just as a machine is constantly improving, we also have the duty to reach our potential. {Chronicle 133}