Monday, 11 February 2008

Contradictions emerged

{02/10/2008} For many generations – something requested of rulers – it is natural to live in harmony with one’s fellow creatures (including all of nature). This generation is often not understood even by the previous generation – their own parents. We can see this genetic contradiction emerging at a critical moment, when our concepts of right and wrong are put to test by our own internal feeling! Imagine your “five senses” expanded to forty nine. The sense of intuition, which was nothing but speculation before, now becomes present and unquestionable in everyone. The sense of anticipation is notified at each instant. The sense of foreseeing that shows us the possible outcomes for each act, each action.

Think of a world where the law of magnetic attraction is no longer only in books, but can be perceived by our senses, like we can perceive hot and cold. And where we can control our body and adapt to surrounding temperature, and begin to play with our atomic weight. We accept that we are technological wonders of Divine nature and just as a machine is constantly improving, we also have the duty to reach our potential. {Chronicle 133}

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