Monday, 24 March 2008

Christic DNA

{03/23/2008} The great day of the final Victory is close. It will be revealed that the Milky Way holds the universal code for the Christic DNA, and that the secret of physical and spiritual unification of our bodies resides in our Central Genetic Nucleus. In nearing the moment of planetary ascension, man comes closer to his own Divine Code.

The missing link is thus reestablished; the sacred word by which each unique being is knows. By pronouncing the word, the tonal note of each being is also emitted and the potential of vibration, rhythm, and movement that each one achieved in their spiritual journey is reestablished.

This set of keys is part of the identity regained which entitles the being to enter each different class of multidimensional house, new interplanetary journeys and among universes. {Chronicle 130}

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