Sunday, 22 February 2009

The new Institutes

[02/15/2015] The learning material is created starting with the need and interest of the community and slowly, the profile of each community starts determining the natural tendencies of each group of people and that which they wish to learn about a new scale of values. Universities reflect these tendencies by deepening the knowledge of sciences and practices of the nourishing of the Spirit, according to the needs of the citizens.

The integral knowledge of the physical, mental and spiritual body, changes the concept of the daily practices and humans advance to have a more precise knowledge, of how to combine effort and relaxation, work and pleasure in a harmonious coordination. Studies about genetics are deepened to provide more autonomy to individuals, liberating them for the heavy load brought with them in their genes.

Institutions inspired by real desire and human need start to begin their operations, such as the “Wise Use of Time.” After a while, Universities like of Temperance, Faculty of Magnificent Arts, Institute of Cosmic Justice, Institute of Divine Nature and Human Potential, Institute of Universal Being Expressions and other institutions. [Registry 39]

Assistance of the Light

{02/22/2009} It does not matter how chaotic the external situation has been at the times of transformation – Divine assistance was always poured over each individual to strengthen the Being of each being in evolution. And this flow of Light was pored over to defend those men in their service of liberation of the conscience and expression of the Being

Everything that was externally projected in disharmony with nature and life, the arguments between the people and the destruction, must be reversed and raised to a new level of energy during the year 2009, while a new orbit was coming near and it became a necessity to liberate the planet of the negative ballast.

Many got ready to this task by getting rid of illusionary wants, of apparent need and material comfort, so that they could qualify the generated energies created by ignorance The human beings that reached the higher levels of transmutation cleansed everything they could of the darkness and delivered their acquired knowledge in the Light, for those who searched to be awakened. Some did awaken and mage enormous efforts to remain awake, magnetized by the external world. Depression and suicide where futile to those that could not find a meaning and value to their life’s. {Chronicle 106}

Sunday, 8 February 2009

To Study is the Law

[02/01/2015] To get an education becomes the law for everyone and the educational practices gain a natural way in the context of the Planetary Order. Education gains status as “a road for a lifetime,” old schooling structures change rapidly. Grandparents, fathers and children follow together to the University and there each finds their appropriate orientation to their actual state of material and spiritual knowledge, looking towards the self realization of the individuals.

Integration is manifested in all areas of knowledge and University entails from taking care of babies, the basic and their psycho motion learning, up to the practices for the spiritual integration of one self. The educational practices are motivated by ideals and cosmic integration. Each individual gets the stimulus to find his own qualifications to then be tested the best way possible to reveal to each his own potential. It is mandatory that each stage is taken advantage of towards the continuous perfection!

Teachers and professors exercising their liberty of action towards their beings, free of oppressive formats, turn into life examples to promote the search of knowledge. The subject courses and institutes concentrate heavily in matters as music, arts, science and philosophy and it becomes common for every age. [Registry 38]

Foggy Times

{02/08/2009} What was what gave stimulus to indifference? What was it that held back a vigorous reaction from humanity to the direction of change? The citizens of the so-called first world or emergent nations, where oppressively manipulated in its freedom of individual expression. The communication media deployed trashy and doubtful information in the way of entertainment, keeping the entire population away from the remembrance of themselves and others. Solidarity campaigning was only able to tend to mediate calamities and chronic disgrace prospered in places not so far from actual sighting any longer.

Mountains of clothing and donated food were piled and excessive in warehouses. Where did all of this abundance come from? From the solidarity of a few? But also from the actions of waste and excess that many others professed. The media showed almost everything, although until the next commercial break showed up, to convince the consumers to purchase goods and cars. Any purchase was rewarded with more cars. The economical machinery devoured men and natural resources, and played even dirtier to be consumed by sick humans by the lack of conscience and perspective. Unbalanced actions of men that were to be placed into order by The Great Order Maker. {Chronicle 107}