Sunday, 8 February 2009

Foggy Times

{02/08/2009} What was what gave stimulus to indifference? What was it that held back a vigorous reaction from humanity to the direction of change? The citizens of the so-called first world or emergent nations, where oppressively manipulated in its freedom of individual expression. The communication media deployed trashy and doubtful information in the way of entertainment, keeping the entire population away from the remembrance of themselves and others. Solidarity campaigning was only able to tend to mediate calamities and chronic disgrace prospered in places not so far from actual sighting any longer.

Mountains of clothing and donated food were piled and excessive in warehouses. Where did all of this abundance come from? From the solidarity of a few? But also from the actions of waste and excess that many others professed. The media showed almost everything, although until the next commercial break showed up, to convince the consumers to purchase goods and cars. Any purchase was rewarded with more cars. The economical machinery devoured men and natural resources, and played even dirtier to be consumed by sick humans by the lack of conscience and perspective. Unbalanced actions of men that were to be placed into order by The Great Order Maker. {Chronicle 107}

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