Sunday, 17 May 2009

Late Decisions

{05/17/2009} The planetary discussion trying to find solutions to the water scarcity enlarged, as well as for the piles of refuse that were everywhere; towards the ocean pollution, food technology and the abuse of human resources. But there was a great breach between men of goodwill and those who had the power. Between the evidence of catastrophe and decisions for change.

At this times cities would wake up covered with snow or by torrential rains that happen without being forecasted. The weather disturbances required billions for the damages that came about and lives that were taken all over the world. Few lives, if compared with the ones lost by drought, by lack of sewer systems and the sickness caused, on account of the bad distribution of income and food. The worst part is that men could not find time to adapt to the changes that the weather had already started in a not reversible pattern. And continued to lose everything: life burnt out by the dry spells, submerged by the torrential rains, destroyed by the hurricanes.

Entire populations of cities suffered with poring rains, snowstorms, heat, only to look at the heavens with hope that everything would end and return to normality. It would never. Nothing would ever be like before. The process of change that was in course urged everyone to get into action. The action to eliminate fear derived into possession, separatism and destruction. Men that did not learn to respect nature did not prevail. {Chronicle 100}

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