Sunday, 31 May 2009

Poethical Tunes

[05/24/2015] Holographic Image, 4a D. “3rd Aurora”.

The hologram in question is about a perfect tuning between the old third dimension at where the humans lived and that of the actual present world, rich in inter dimensional portals. One can see scenes of a mental human cloth, where one can see “lyric fields, covered with the gold blanket of the sun” according to the author´s description. There is quite a tuning of peace at these scenes where the angel Micah is mentioned: “If you think of happiness, you would make a new world happy!” This is how the poetic spirit of now is manifested, an image exposition of the thought.

Assisting the holograms of an artist you can perceive the greatness of each human being potential. And even in the simplest thoughts one can gain in depth when the truth in each heart is verified “I think in happiness, in the biggest happiness of the universe. The waving fields, the little flowers and the pollen being carried by the wind..., and remember the greatness of the human saga over this minuscule planet, also known as Earth. So many colors, so much shine, such a variety of species – what a glorious destiny!” [Registry 46]

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