Sunday, 28 June 2009

The Possibilities for an End

{06/28/2009} While the possibilities for the planet to e reaching an end where being studied, some facts were registered as forecasts towards an Armageddon: loss of values, perpetual wars, selfishness, weather changes, millimeters of difference in the position of the axis of the Earth, the thinning of the ozone layer, the increase in plagues and the surfacing of new viruses. Danger of water shortages as well as of food, possibilities of the surfacing of a Anti – Christ were also worrying the hearts of the believers. Many sources of higher education, books and films were made to study all possibilities towards an ending , and to alert the human race about the dangers of extinction or massive destruction of the planet.

Much energy was generated over the minds and worthy hearts over this picture and countless were the prayers and requests, from the soul of the simple man to the experience scientist. It was this way that the complicated mechanism of the Cosmos started silently to function. While newspapers announced new lethal viruses coming from pigs in the United States, the lather of planetary ascension started to rotate silently in its concentric and ascending movement, spreading violet light. Many had started to perceive reality more vividly. Not what humans called reality: earth and its contradictions, but the reality of its unity with the Whole. Muchos habían comenzado a percibir la realidad con mayor nitidez. No lo que los humanos solían llamar realidad: la tierra y sus contradicciones, sino la realidad de la unidad con el Todo. {Chronicle 097}

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