Sunday, 26 July 2009

Model of Destruction

{07/26/2009} The distortion of the philosophical and existential route of human life, from the Being to the Having, was diagnosed and divulged as a consequence of the model for the economic system adopted by humans. And it seemed like a lost war: not one knew of the antidote or the vaccine. Some therapists showed up for the sick that were obsessed by consuming, but quite few could manage to stay apart from purchasing as a source of satisfaction and a way of life. Consumerism was ‘normal’ or ‘necessary’. The sense of need and of the now and today was lost. And men lost their being in tune with the time present. He went to work to have and no more for evolution.

And to have, some would lie, would rob, kidnap, blackmail. Others would forge, mishandle funds, get rich illegally and simply killed – directly or indirectly. Others seduced, incite, traffic, bribe, form gangs, groupings and mafia. Others would conquer political power to benefit from it or get into the presidency of large corporations, or created other enterprises well over the limitations of the law. A small virus, with a great distortion. But the effects of the Violet flame had started to produce effects over the intensifying of the energies poured over the Monument. And the perception increased over what humanity felt that was happening. {Chronicle 095}

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