{08/09/2009} It is true that in the middle of the transition times there was a somatization process in the physical bodies of humanity as a whole, and the preventive systems started to collapse. There was no available way to revert the avalanche of mental diseases, emotional and physical that came to be daily, showing the auto-abandonment for part of the humanity. Never had medicine been so advanced for diagnostic and cure, nor the health systems so incapable to tend to de world demand, nor the man so distant from himself as to not understand the need to be in harmony and preserve himself thorough conscience and auto-healing.
The climate and its consequences, the economical crisis and unemployment, the old and the crisis in the Orient kept the world population occupied and stressed. All signs of new threats. The lack of understanding among the countries, the daily difficulties for survival in the field or at the cities, aerial tragedies, at the ocean, the important personalities that died; it was everything catching enormous attention in the media and all virtual means of communication, taking the attention of hearts and minds everywhere. The emptiness of the external widened. The illusion of power of the materialism continued to harm the senses. And the people that where awakening from the slumber claimed for values, such as Justice, Consideration, Order, Truth, Kindness, among others. {Chronicle 94}
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