Sunday, 6 September 2009

Spiritual Progress

[16/08/2015] The old man took time to change his ways and thoughts. Gasping for air through the heavy genetics he carried upon the social beliefs and way of life under which he was created, saw new ideas, but refused heavily to adopt them to change his way of life. He listened once and again about the need for self-acknowledgement, the wonder of taking a surveillance flight for his soul, to connect with the Divine System that ruled over the whole Universe, but he resisted to take the step.

Now the change methods became the delight of millions of human beings of all ages, the search of wisdom turned into art, and the changes became too fast as the technological advances that prospered in the latter years of the old system. Such as man one day discovered the infinite possibilities of the matter, now he shows the reality of spiritual progress and the permanence of the divine spirit in itself. And the material aspects of life flourished. Science and the spirit got harmonized into the materialization of new life systems, thus creating a real support system to the human advance into the inhabited planets. [Registry 52]

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