Sunday, 15 November 2009

Planetary Decisions

{11/15/2009} The point of transformation was not one of the many earthquakes, cyclones or hurricanes that left a desolated planet in 2009 and beginnings of 2010, but the total of decisions taken by men of good will. Just simple men of good will!

When a man decides to stop killing, to recognize the sacred life that resides on everyone, and decides to pause his life towards the search for the truth, kindness and beauty, it could look just like one more good intention as the others. But if the decision is real, mature and self conscious, an energetic difference is created in that person that goes expanding all around him. This person turns into a beam of light, shining over the people under his influence. Then he extends the love glow received directly from the Divine Source.

What could happen to the planet to cause a new situation of fact? A new glacial era, or floods? A world war to devastate the world? A crash of a meteorite? All of these happenings were forecasted and predicted, each one with its own degree of possibility, but no physical transformation caused by the inhabitants of the planet, a reaction of the planet or anything that happened of a cosmic nature could be stronger that the constant decision of a son of God, that would give a good amount of sons and daughters, united by the sole purpose of the survival of their souls. {Chronicle 87}

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