[01/17/2016] Today it is accepted that uneducated souls, malnourished, are recycled for a new experience. Some prefer to name this a reincarnation, but it could be a fantasy to believe about a sole existence, when a spiritual personality was not formed. The one that lived in the material world and kept his conscience at the primary level of life, when he passes is totally reabsorbed, being by the earth, that recycles matter, or by the planets that recycle emotions or by the ether that reabsorbs as well all the mental advance acquired, placing for him all the knowledge for his other incarnate lives.
This knowledge has been of vital importance for the education of the youth; since their very first moments of life are taking knowledge from the manifested life at their seven bodies and work towards the harmony of them, with the utmost tranquility, from their infancy. The High Laboratories for Spiritual Sciences keep the flame lit of the natural human curiosity, without losing the benefits of the faith. On the contrary, utilizing the incomparable human quality to transport the theories, to a field of physical knowledge that the common man can touch.
The Soul, unknown before, has already a weight, a measure, a place of inhabitance and even of gastronomical preference. A Soul resides in the ether and communicates with our supra conscience, showing its coordinates through our wishing bodies. It is malleable, shows evolution as well as involution, she provides us with a wide window for contact with the Being. But is “menu” must be very well dosified with good quality music, numerical investigations, unity actions and other sweetness’s of life, in order to grow strong, without deviations from the path and trajectory of the Being, thereby fulfilling its individual purpose. [Registry 63]