Sunday, 10 January 2010

The legacy for humanity

{01/10/2010} Since the passing of the Chris ton the planet earth, at the time considered the zero year, humanity gained the status of ascending planet, with the purpose of unconditional Love, that started to flow around the men. All history that was heard, pure or distorted about this Being, served to aim to a new path of concepts and for ways to relate to life, with the fellow beings and with one’s own existence. But men and groups, which wanted more power, self named themselves intercessors between God and men, creating dependence and fear. Others, truly guided by faith and true purpose, worked without rest to awaken in each being the vision of Love that they perceived from the Christ message.

This is why, when the skies trembled and the men could not find any other secure place than the ground they were, searched with quite some effort to wake up from lethargy, to understand what he needed to do if things got worse. Who to go to? This was a matter of survival, an internal alert that echoed from one side to the other of the planet. It became of the utmost importance the decree of Balance, asking for it in general for the whole of humanity, so that the Order would be re-established in the planet. Those that had the feeling of being sons or daughters of Love where who kept the flame lit. {Chronicle 83}

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