Sunday, 13 June 2010

The fake side of the so called “special” ones

{07/03/2010} Men constantly strived to progress, but individualism and numbness were too entrenched in their lives, pushing them to external world in detriment of their true self. So much so that even good examples failed to encourage them. Thousands of stories, TV episodes and films supported the idea that each man had the potential to awake amazing powers. Thousands of “special” beings populated the human imagination stimulating people to seek out their true self. However, the excess of glamour over substance, dishonest clairvoyants, selfish paranormal experts, insensitive geniuses and super-powerful egocentrics kept men’s attention away from the Being, the Spirit.

Meanwhile, another great dispersion of souls took place – the second one of that decade. Nature did not seem to abate. Human errors pilling up everywhere - not even all the resources available were able to stop so much death and devastation. The media continued to be controlled by the all-powerful and information became a spectrum of the truth, an incentive to the surreal.
Few knew what was really going on in other continents and even in their own country. The great majority believed themselves to be informed because of the advent of the Internet, but that was an illusion. News magazines were gradually turned into entertainment magazines and reports of local violence manipulated to act as fillers between announcements and adverts. Nothing out there stimulated a greater awakening, the search for the Truth or the true power of the Spirit. {Chronicle 079}

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