Sunday, 13 June 2010

The forthcoming of the planetary diplomacy

- Who is who in the Superior Levels?

Man looked to the skies and started to receive answers to his great questions. Started to understand how three can be ONE, the weight of affirmations and negations. The divine formulas for the construction of the Universe, and so, could take conscience of how The Father acted to balance the unbalanced actions of man. With it he grew in comprehension of the evolutionary system, in recognition for the perfection of the laws that rule the universe, and in acceptance for the hierarchies.

The evolutionary world shines in resonance with the Divine Government and the planetary house – with the human families – finally expanded because it turned into a one family/house.

To understand that the Universe was a creation over the Power of Love, placed the human life in perspective, the encounter of The Light and the new generations, are getting to experience the flavor of the Sublime, without any shadows. The time for the Avatars arrived, of the expansion of the Golden Rays outward of the planetary system, and earth prepared to expand this new energy towards all brother planets. Cosmic Diplomacy is born and the planet is proud of his children. [Registry 072]

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