Sunday, 26 December 2010

Preventive service

[31/07/2016] Presently, each individual born on the planet already finds a world evolved in love and consideration. The planet, a hospitable place, now offers more comfort and technical support for those who incarnate here. From the union of nature with human beings have emerged highly morally, conceptually, and philosophically developed societies. Yet, as individuals grow, they continue using their free will to decide when, how, and why they want or not to follow or become part of this evolution.

Conscious of the subordination to the Divine, Planetary, and human, which individuals come to know early on in life, the new society has been developing in an ascending, horizontal, and vertical manner. Such that the new human being also finds a method of coming closer to truth which leads them to taking more responsibility for their actions, in an effort of self-awareness and then permanent self-evaluation.

By proclaiming the existence of the Divine particle, the I Am, the individual takes control over his current of life and begins transmuting denials and deceptions beyond the energy currents of the environment in which it lives. The best service of prevention is that which the individual takes on as a natural part of his own evolution. [Registry 077]

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