Sunday, 26 December 2010

“Prison System”

[17/07/2016] – Is there a worst prison than being bound to the shadow of self-deception?

In the Holy Star of Liberation, our planet, the large and small faults still exist. Many get lost in the path of liberation. One individual may rebel against certain rules, another may become vain and want to be better than others: the tests of growth are increasingly devastating for those who aspire to a universal career.

The different levels of surrender produce individuals who are more or less open to recycling energies, cleaning points of darkness, aware of themselves and of others. But the art of finding one’s true aptitude, accepting one’s function in permanent change, following orders and knowing how to guide, can be disturbed by small dissonances, natural to the process of growth, without which progress would not be possible. There is no growth without friction. When individuals systematically choose wrong, this can become evil, sin or iniquity.

The Service of Spiritual Prevention of Planet Earth was created in the past to prevent significant damage to the spiritual progress of humanity in facing major conflicts that would occur. Today, the Council of the Elderly, the CEVIM, and other citizen institutions offer support so that the choices of individuals may lead to growth and learning, and do not disturb the common peace. The isolation of one individual can only occur for procedures to increase the consciousness about actions undertaken and reparation of damage. No one has the freedom to do harm to others in a deliberate or unlimited way. [Registry 076]

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