{27/06/2010} Each human nation that held to the idea of unlimited national sovereignty continued fostering insecurity and fear. The East maintained this practice until the end of those dark times: the virus of sovereignty and the disease of war. Only a great leader would be able to inoculate the vaccine. Thus the return of the Messiah was long awaited. Not to separate the weed from the wheat with the purifying fire, but to assuage the contamination inoculated in the hearts of men, which did not enable curing the soul.
- How to awaken the dormant capacity of forgiving? Would forgiveness not be a metamorphosis of the soul, by releasing the cocoon of personality, of the Ego, takes on a greater flight to reach Divinity? Would human beings be prepared? It was soon proven to be true. Many were not only prepared but anxiously waiting for the change. They did not know how many lives were yet to perish in the final confrontations, nor whether they would survive to see the times of peace, but they would surrender their lives for the return of the light.
There resides true courage and pure altruism. Taking action without expecting results. Surrendering to serve others, embracing Love as the higher power. Many reverberated the Divine Light and many supported the Flame, in a Glorious ascension of the planetary body. They were immolated through the uncommon impersonal service for grandiose causes, such as the advent of Forgiveness and the strengthening of Divine Justice. And Peace was in course, while many did not know. {Chronicle 071}
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