Sunday, 6 February 2011

Global Religion

[14/08/2016] The evolution of consciousness is liberation. Man is free to advance in new areas of knowledge and is living unusual experiences with great lessons to learn. Thus grow the followers of conducted dreams, the practices of surveillance, the experiments with water, fire, air, deprivation of senses aiming its maximization, among others.

- Why so many experiences, some might say? It is not enough for men their internal encounter with the Father, their journey of spiritual reconnection, the discovery of so many wonders in this world done to perfection?

- Men are more mature, more confident, others respond. That’s why they investigate where there was no freedom to explore before, allowing them to find new ways, new questions, and new directions. Now they can walk with confidence, because there is truth to subsidize them in the search. And the motivating interests of discovery are not handled by economics or politics of the past.

Development, motivated by the pursuit of common good in social relations of peace in a harmonious society, is highly stimulating for the individual, integrated and co-participating in the building of the well-being of others. And the new era that is contributing for building a common language will facilitate, at some point, a religion with a global perspective. [Record 078]

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