[25/09/2016] In the mid 20th century it was reported that the real and absolute being is the spirit. Men however selected their beliefs in order to build faceted process for the interpretation of the reality and for this reason have taken so long to ascend to the light. Now, people with knowledge of the spiritual nature of life, the need for soul growth and internal connection are committed for the improvement of the manifestations of their souls, more experienced in matters of reaching God.
Human beings have access to the means to verify the yearnings of their souls through tests and individual questionnaires and seek to deepen that communication, to redefine life goals. Any questioning of the profound nature can be a clue to the level of experience that will be necessary for each individual to unfold their inner connection and achieve the goals when they came to the planet. Thus, divine values are being rediscovered through this contact with the souls. One who whishes peace and is seeking the true altruism, wants to know the goodness, or is advancing by questioning about justice, mercy, creativity or choose what type of work, study or action that will be taken in daily life to come close to the subjects of study that are of interest soul. To arrive graduated in higher planes became as concrete as the school achievement on earth. [Record 081]
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