Sunday, 17 April 2011

The bad human actions

{11/28/2010} Justification came to be a habit for the people, more than ever through the whole of the history of humanity. If in ancient times living conditions were precarious and knowledge was distant, in 2010, at an era of information and technology as a world net, knowledge was far more accessible for whoever searched, although the power of decision seemed weak. To every evil that appeared there was an excuse. For each incongruence for the social system, an excuse. For each mistake, a lack of commitment and decision to correct it.

The disbelief in the political and economical system touched bottom for the people, that did not perceive their responsibility in the disruption of the social order. Isolated at their particular work, men delegated at their unions and categories their struggle for their rights, to the “government” the solving of the unequal economies, to the social agents the solution of health and education problems, distortion of the systems, punishment and prison for criminals.

At all sides the truth of what was wrongly done is clear; at the ill planned cities, the badly paved and worse kept roads, the lack of preservation of city property, for everything that was being built, manufactured, sold or serviced, in all you could clearly see lack of care and interest for the fellow beings or for nature. Or there were clear knowledge and view of toxic agricultural tainted food or too expensive produce and meats, or buildings that were falling apart; people that could not get medical emergency attention, lack of ambulances, medicine. People badly dressed, badly nourished, showing clear signs of lack of sleep and to be living an illusion of having found the formula for happiness consuming but not getting satisfied.

The repertoire of wonderful actions for the humans grew as well, silently. Who could name them? Which of those actions for unity and practiced by society could do to provide an impulse for transformation? {Chronicle 060}

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