Sunday, 19 February 2012

The necessary attrition

[01/29/2017] If man stops in contemplation, he does not act or produce attrition, so he does not grow, either. When faced with existential dilemmas he projects, decides and acts right. That is why society and schools offer great support to reach the best aspirations in all fields of human endeavor. This reality is expressed in the vertiginous growth of the arts and sciences, as well as in pristine works of engineering and architecture in this year of 2017. Broad stimulus is given to excellence in individual expression, to the exploration of intellectual and artistic talents and to the manifestation of ideas.

Many pupils, students, disciples and teachers willing to progress substantially have tried to organize philosophical discussions, to avoid empty theorizing and dispersion. The majority desires to reach higher levels of cosmic discernment.

An improvement in the inner vision to allow the observation of the tissue of existence, of reality and of unity with the Whole had been foreseen by writers and philosophers in the past. Now this is the daily task of scholars who really delve into knowledge to increase their wisdom. The spiritual advancement of this new humanity is considered satisfactory, in comparison with the levels that previously were reached only after the souls had left the planet. Man is finally making real his spiritual persona, while still incarnated! [Entry 090]

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