Sunday, 18 October 2009

The affirmation of the I Am

[10/11/2015] In the past scientists searched the genes to try to find abilities out the common among humans, while loneliness and the old feeling where taking over the inhabitants of the planet. Generations from the countries that were not acquainted with war were molded by the virtues and futility of the external, and the rest, that didn’t have a chance to know the peace, identified with the immediate ideology of nationalism. The reservoir of immense potentials kept intact or was being lost. When someone appeared with out of the ordinary abilities, he was taken to the laboratories.

The belief was that money and political power would place power in the hands of a fortunate elite that could manipulate genes and science, taking over extra abilities to prevail over the rest. The old humanity did not know, or did not want to believe that the I AM contained the Divine perfection; under this reasoning it did not continue to insist on saying it anymore. The whole humanity has the superior divine genetics and when said, a door would open up, a road will be there and the landscape is larger. Today, the great majority of children grows up with the affirmation of the I AM and it is clear that there are great numbers of prodigies among the actual childhood. There are no middle truths; the road to Light is through the pure of heart. [Registry 56]

The Pope requests a world government

{10/18/2009} The pressure towards a sustainable model for development and a better action towards Mother Nature increased worldwide. Worldwide meetings were promoted to discuss about the signals on scarcity of water in the planet, increasing pollution of the oceans y savagery in devastation of vegetation and animal life. Radicals defy neighboring countries exposing their nuclear power and military preparedness, plus the world crisis does not signal a way back. The church of the people manifested that a strengthening of the United Nations is needed; otherwise an election of “A world political and military authority” is needed. This claim did not progress or was able to create a reaction.

Meanwhile, the old flu virus changed silently into a lethal virus, that sooner or later would be relentlessness attacking. The scientists advised the world, but who could stop the entire planet and shout: “Wake up!” Only the movie people and had abundant apocalyptical showings, but the attendant’s just watch and still dirtied the floors with their leftovers of candy and popcorn, as they always did. The whole world continued to disregard responsibilities leaving them for later, thinking that the actions of heroes would come up “somehow,” and forgot that it’s actions of “let go” were the ones hurting and polluting the planet. {Chronicle 89}

Sunday, 4 October 2009

Brilliant Planet

[09/27/2015] It was announced in the past that a deep revolution was forthcoming for humanity. For those who believed that could serve at it took a immediate part in it and started to work for this new world. Even if our eyes can fool us with a partial view of reality, the Eternal unfolds in a immeasurable way behind our own blindness, sustaining an Eternal Present unimaginable for the common man.

Having direct access to the Fountains of Love from the Creator and to see this manifestation of energy in all fields of action of men in the planet is to live a Pre-Paradise. This is why many forecasted that the old homo-sapiens would vanish to set a place for the homo-lux, living in a spiritual communion with God. This revolution is in progress and we are participants of it at this beautiful year of 2015. The revelation of our true identity made the brotherhood of men believe in this process and awakened the Love for service and the service for Love.

And it is visible that the differences between humans were respected and diminished, so that the greatest majorities could express themselves and participate in these changes, providing their contribution towards the liberation of the human being and of the planet. Te planet is softer now, the planet shines more. Not by the lights created in the past, but for the shine of the beings that inhabit it. [Registry 55]

The Two Plains

{10/04/2009} The humans in evolution studied the old prophecy to foresee the external indicators for a change, while others believed to be protected at an Armageddon for they would be rescued on time by the interstellar brothers at their vessels prepared for this end situation. What is the real meaning of change? What kind of change can it really be considered as one for a planet with 6 billion lives? Which were the signals that the humans where not being able to see in the year of 2009? How many were conscious of the real planetary situation and of the reality of the soul? How many understood clearly the real destiny of Creation?

The human beings that reached a sufficient level of maturity turned into the search of the truth over the spiritual and material existence, reaching enlightened levels and to enlighten a large mass of people that were not conscious of their Divine nature. Each that acted in a conscious manner towards the strengthening of his relationship with the Father, emitted a level of vibration that fed the electromagnetic waves of the planet, contributing with light for the harmony towards the disarray caused by the conscious side of humanity. The truth that few could see was that there was already a Planet in existence of Order, Light and Love, coexisting within the land of convulsion. It was a matter of opening the hearts to reach this level of reality. All that was needed was to have eyes to see. {Chronicle 90}