Sunday, 4 October 2009

The Two Plains

{10/04/2009} The humans in evolution studied the old prophecy to foresee the external indicators for a change, while others believed to be protected at an Armageddon for they would be rescued on time by the interstellar brothers at their vessels prepared for this end situation. What is the real meaning of change? What kind of change can it really be considered as one for a planet with 6 billion lives? Which were the signals that the humans where not being able to see in the year of 2009? How many were conscious of the real planetary situation and of the reality of the soul? How many understood clearly the real destiny of Creation?

The human beings that reached a sufficient level of maturity turned into the search of the truth over the spiritual and material existence, reaching enlightened levels and to enlighten a large mass of people that were not conscious of their Divine nature. Each that acted in a conscious manner towards the strengthening of his relationship with the Father, emitted a level of vibration that fed the electromagnetic waves of the planet, contributing with light for the harmony towards the disarray caused by the conscious side of humanity. The truth that few could see was that there was already a Planet in existence of Order, Light and Love, coexisting within the land of convulsion. It was a matter of opening the hearts to reach this level of reality. All that was needed was to have eyes to see. {Chronicle 90}

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