Sunday, 4 October 2009

Brilliant Planet

[09/27/2015] It was announced in the past that a deep revolution was forthcoming for humanity. For those who believed that could serve at it took a immediate part in it and started to work for this new world. Even if our eyes can fool us with a partial view of reality, the Eternal unfolds in a immeasurable way behind our own blindness, sustaining an Eternal Present unimaginable for the common man.

Having direct access to the Fountains of Love from the Creator and to see this manifestation of energy in all fields of action of men in the planet is to live a Pre-Paradise. This is why many forecasted that the old homo-sapiens would vanish to set a place for the homo-lux, living in a spiritual communion with God. This revolution is in progress and we are participants of it at this beautiful year of 2015. The revelation of our true identity made the brotherhood of men believe in this process and awakened the Love for service and the service for Love.

And it is visible that the differences between humans were respected and diminished, so that the greatest majorities could express themselves and participate in these changes, providing their contribution towards the liberation of the human being and of the planet. Te planet is softer now, the planet shines more. Not by the lights created in the past, but for the shine of the beings that inhabit it. [Registry 55]

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