Sunday, 13 December 2009

The expected action

{11/29/2009} The great planetary rotation started with the ideals that got in between through the minds of men. Leaders, governments, each at their own turn took over part of the responsibility to rethink the planet and inhabitants. The great forum debate over climatic changes served as the pretext for heated debates behind the lines, where what was expressed was the common sense of the brotherhood and the wishes to provide a stop to the actions of men, without preparations and mostly predatory. There was an existent new perception: that there were no more possibilities to delegate to others the consequences. The changes where needed now, or the damages would be tremendous.

The idea for the formation of a Planetary Government was considered utopia to the wise, but started gaining strength at the power levels of the world foremost power. The church had already made the proposal, but the crisis that followed set men apart from the bargaining table. The presidents broke the circle of silence and discussed openly the formation of a unified world government to be able to control de crisis. A world Government for Humanity with Divine ruling, and not the apocalyptical governments of the Antichrist that the obscure forces claimed. The idea that a demonic being commanding the human beings in general to opaque God and pursuing the believers, only delayed a deeper discussion for unification of the planet and to up rise the senses of nationalism. The hour had arrived for the liberation from fear. {Chronicle 86}

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