[11/22/2015] Humanity walks towards the positive self-realization of their lives. Self-realization that entails the whole frame of their past experiences, like spirit guarded in the genetic memory and added to the ones originated at the fear of reality, thus making the expectation of the future something creative. That is, that which each one brings from birth plus the aspirations coming forth at the inter action with life in itself. Living in a world full of spiritual light is a conquered privilege by human beings and that the new generations can enjoy.
This is why Universities created sectors called open chambers, where new aspirations could be promoted and taken to be turned into realities. If anyone insists in communicating through the snapping of the fingers, the proposal can be taken and it will be experimented on, discussed and verified up to full satisfaction of the idea. If anyone should propose a study over the possibility of locomotion while at a dreaming stage, that will also be experimented in full for one creative idea goes into one other and children are who mostly get the joy with the why and the for what, trying even to reinvent the colors, find the end of the rainbow or finding the best method to communicate with animals.
It was one of these ideas that brought to tone the discussion over the true format of the Being. What is it made of? Which part of the person it inhabits? What does it need to nourish itself t olive? All efforts to find an answer to this question has contributed for a better internal communication, so it will soon be available to everyone. [Registry 59]
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