Sunday, 13 December 2009

Problems are on the grow

{12/13/2009} That what was happening finally accelerated the encounters and discussions around the subject of nation unification. The economical crisis had produced a certain chaos, and by setting it aside with the thought that it was on the way to subside, news about this crisis where brought forward again.

While the most powerful men in the planet were under talks and delayed the solutions, earthquakes continued to rumble the planet. Viruses continued to mutate into more lethal forms and men insisted in sacrifice themselves in order to kill many others, thereby increasing the lack of energetic balance on the planet. There came a new surge in low levels of fish available in the oceans, lost harvests at the fields and loss of love as well at the hearts of men that could not believe in themselves any longer.

During the whole period that preceded the great planetary crisis, alerts where extended by all sectors of human existence: scientific, organization militants, religious, political and students. There was an excess of evidence that life had turned chaotic: there was water shortages, energy, food, health, order, justice, honesty and love. When any individual showed outrage or any type of honesty, he was praised as a hero.

Countries at war would not abandon their war purposes and one must ask up to today, what was the reasoning to persist in the error, when the majority of humanity had already abandoned war as a means to defend their interests. Massacres followed up to the last moment, without mercy or kindness. More than death caused by weapons, the prejudice caused by self inflicted death under the ill use of gifts and goods laid there for mankind use. The automobile turned into a weapon, communications turned into means of the manipulation of masses, the talents crumpled those who got them, via vanity and greed. {Chronicle 85}

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