Sunday, 13 June 2010

Healing Art in action

[13/03/2016] – Healing Art Centres are generally more sought after than libraries and spaces for community activities in the universities. Its architectural concept, spatial and functional, allows for direct relationships between people, as it helps not only artists and creators get together but also a diverse audience which takes part in the exhibitions, lectures, courses and retreats.
There is no distinction between the different age groups of residents and users. The objective is to encourage individual expression so that the objectives previously expressed by each participant can be reached: improve skills and talent, develop gifts until one reaches the Being’s expression.

In the Healing Art Centres, the rotation of residents is encouraged, allowing people to travel and exchange experiences. All is done not to encourage sedentary, crystallised, possessive or isolating behaviours, so that the centre remains always open an inviting for those who arrive and wish to live there and experience the place. [Report 067]

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