{04/04/2010} Humankind’s evolutionary system does not care about God; about Its Will. To ignore the Father’s Will create a void, a lack of creativity and resources to advance. Human beings allowed themselves the luxury of not believing. Despite all the wonders of existence, nature and the universe, the great majority were indifferent to the Cosmic Laws. They were only concerned with the laws of Physics, Chemistry and not with the real yearning of their souls. It was then that the Theory of the Equilibrium was formulated and so was the theory of games. They were ignored by many who continued to encourage duality and contradiction.
Governments bowed to the pressure of the powerful and as a result ended up encouraging corruption; illicit wealth and unbalance. The people, ill informed and corrupted by promises, supported the rise of the corrupted politicians that remained in power.
News about the misuse of public money, money laundering, and formation of cartels were common place in every country. Some were punished; some others were not, depending on the local system. The power game continued to benefit those who engaged with it and not the general public. Few people believed in a solution. This unbalanced system carried on repeating itself like a horror movie. This emptied the soul and hearts of billions of people. {Chronicle 77}
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