Sunday, 26 December 2010

Freeing consciousness

{11/07/2010} When consciousness is activated it produces a small metamorphosis inside us. At one moment we are totally identified with our losses, a pain we feel, a moral blow, the failed capacity to react – and the next moment we are facing the throne of decision, which does not relegate our pains to trivial oblivion, but raises and dignifies them surrendering them to higher judgment. It is the time of the “flight” to within, upward, and above.

That is the moment when personality no longer has room to foster the whining, where we give up the temptation to continue suffering and hating: it is the decision to hand in the “package”, so to speak, of the anguishing file of events, which is inadvertently or masochistically viewed and reviewed over and over again.

It is a personal, non-transferable, non-postponable decision, which comes from the bottom of the heart and from the wisest part of our minds and hearts. Seize it and take it. And the small miracle of consciousness will arise: liberation! Thus we are liberated and liberate others. Are we capable of forgiving? Are we capable of surrendering the weapons, the hate, and the attachment to revenge?

That was the question that permeated the changes in 2010. It was mid-2010 and many felt the “new winds blowing.” They let the good air flow and breathed it in; then they exhaled, sending it to more people. Forgiveness is divine and it takes place at this level. {Chronicle 070}

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