Sunday, 26 December 2010

Prodigious children

– Who are the bad students? Who within us does not want to learn and grow? And what about those who are indifferent to the truth and make their own laws without caring about the consequences of their rebellion in the course they take?

The evolutionary world understands duality and its contradictions. It is a pre-unified world, but continues to be dual. What individuals have at their reach is the tangible possibility of internal unification and expression of their Spiritual Being, which before was not accessible to most. But each one if free to make their choices between good and evil.

The Planetary Government supports individual freedom and the Divine Government keeps the doors to self-government and the expression of the Being open. In an Era of Light and Love, the forces are balanced, bringing energy balance and stable vibrational level to human beings. The planet is protected from major cosmic oscillations. Individuals are protected from their own energies. That enables even greater progress, because there is an external-internal support of the human action, in consonance with the Divine Assistance that now governs the Planet. The rebellious students are the prodigious children, and God wants to celebrate them, when they attempt to undertake the way back. [Registry 075]

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