Sunday, 6 February 2011

Unfolding the space

[09/10/2016] Communication and expansion. Thought and materialization. Transmigration and timelessness. We are advancing the knowledge of space. While science is engaged in the affairs of the time, with so many universal adventures to make, life extension, improvement of learning systems to free up time, etc., another group of young scientists focuses on the knowledge of the properties of space.

How many memories fit superimposed on the brain? You can see simultaneous planes of existence in the same space? Is the physical, chemical, energetic body real and exists in how many dimensions? If the divine nature is the whole, what space do we occupy? Do we only exist in terms of time, as the virtuality surrounding us?

For millennia man has ventured in search of knowledge about time. Now the space is subject of investigations with the help of old and new knowledge of quantum physics combined with new machines capable of profound experiences on the matter, antimatter, the nature of places, of being. To know the space is to open doors to be in multiple dimensions, and what we are seeking is the migration with present consciousness. Good luck to the researchers! [Record 082]

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