{10/31/2010} Normaly in the day to day men take care of “their own lives.” Daily they work the land, the feed themselves and then rest. Although millions are still stuck in the evolutionary world, disregarding the potential ascending spiritual powers. They maintain their bodies well but ignore their souls. Earth gets new spiritual beings, but those that arrive get submerged into the fog of mediocrity and lack of values.
Alienation of a good part of the latter generations of the second millenium reached the top of individuality around 2010. Molded by the picky society of purchasing, plus the never hidden power of the economy, started to program their lives based on concepts dictated by de god money: that is get an education, marry, children, travel. Everything was directed towards acquiring the logic of the financial values and convenience. Formality was lost but spontaneity was gained and into easier solutions. The “get married and get separated,” the fast marriages, the sexual touching at party gatherings, reinforced the thinking that “what’s important is to be happy” when what was really of value would have been to discover earthly knowledge, instead of living mechanically and thinking that happiness is a cheap ‘pop-up.’
The newer generations born after the year 2000, where eager to see the world and the possibilities of real life. They question their parents, demanded too much attention and carried the seal of life on their foreheads. The planet was ready for a transformation. {Chronicle 062}
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