Sunday, 17 April 2011

Real Story (Registry of a walker III)

[12/18/2016] This is the last part of the Soraya’s story about the future – this is our present – written probably near the year 2000, and found at a magnetic disk that was recovered. This publication is a homage to her memory, to her courage and love for life, and to all the human beings that like her, hoped and worked towards a shinning future for humanity:

“What was seen was the internal decision of many, to pause their lives and change them towards the conscience of Unity, of the common good, departing from their internal limitations, such as the perception of borders between the countries, of nationalities, of regions, to open the perception that was wider to unicity. The perception of life and of a different historical-cultural formation is nothing but a unique quality, a diversity of a people among a greater whole. This is why the old perceptions must be surrendered and not kept for themselves, for they are part of the Patrimony for Humanity of the true human race.

The historical registry of the time of lack of conscience and obscurity that we went through had consequences, but are truly in the past, and certainly in order to build the new, we must stop thinking in the past. This will be the signal to show us that we must not permit the same for our lifes to experience again.

There is a today to be lived jointly with the Live Flame of our beings. This is our biggest challenge. The delicious adventure to go back to Being What We Are – the only guarantee that we will have a tomorrow to live, a tomorrow of Brotherhood and Peace. This is just the start of our Real Story”. [Special Registry – SMP] 087

Violence and pain

{12/26/2010} – What could be said by mothers who lost their children to violence? Whether having a murdered son or by seeing their son become a murderer at a second of madness? What could families say after being destroyed at one side or the other of this world tragedy called a threat to life? Why understand violence if it does not have sense and understanding it does not bring peace? Is war a less painful way of loosing someone?

Comprehending that conflicts are brought under collective or individual purposes, eases up the bitterness to the heart? What about tragedies caused by addictions? Cohabit with bodies and minds that are destroyed, families turned into hostages of their loved ones that were lost to drugs?

At this somber times of violence, where huge differences in income, false democratic liberties, lack of access to education was prevalescent, the mad race for survival to extract from society a bit of status and dignity, turned men into beings without purity or judgment. Values fell to the bottom, savagery was prevalent. The idea of revenge turned into pieces the good notes inserted into the evolutionary interior of humanity: “Thou shall not kill” not yourself or others, fell into nothing.

A few voices rose claimed to those who would hear: you will not kill by means of words or lowly actions, or by hand, knife or lethal weapon! You will not kill by your thoughts (watch it!) for all of these belongs to barbarians, and while ignorant men do not make a final decision in their hearts, the human tragedy will continue to be repeated. Then there will not be a remedy for pain.

When will men reach a level of self-protection and truth good enough to be protected from pain? It is really necessary to learn to forgive and make a huge effort to rise to this level of conscience and reach internal peace for oneself to offer it to others. {Chronicle 058}

New Planetary Order (Registry of a walker - II)

[12/04/2016] Second part of the found registry, passed the year 2000, written by a girl named Soraya, with provisions for the planet. A homage to the participants of the history of the planetary ascension.

The next step towards the making this goal was given, primarily by the sustaining internally of the Order, Light and Love. Followed and as a consequence, many people that are in occupations of strategic value in the world, were touched at their Center of Good Will, and decided to do whatever seemed needed towards the integration, as a first step of their region and then, of the Planet as a whole.

It was not easy at the beginning because of the great differences between a country and the next. There was extreme poverty, social and cultural development, economical and political changes – but thanks to beings of good will and a true purpose of loving service for life, it was perceived that the question was not to highlight the differences but to find a common sense and a common purpose, making it possible to live the reality of Brotherhood and Peace among the people of a planet that we all inhabit.

It is of importance to highlight that at no moment there was a confrontation between the old power and the New Planetary Order. Simply put, the beings engaged with the Living Presence that is in them, started doing what they had to: to listen to the Center for the Generation of the Order, Light and Love and follow what it meant. They said “enough” to the tripod of “money, power and sex” in their lifes. To what generated the human atrocities for thousands of years.” [Special Registry – SMP] 086

Governments under lack of control

{12/12/2010} Governments, what do we need them for? To satisfy the needs of the people, to serve them. Why was it so hard to understand this logic in the past? Why was the administrative machine, that should be a means to development, progress and well being for world populations, failing in the hands of greedy, incapable and selfish people?

The historians could explain, but the understanding when going deeply would show that the individual responsibilities in the construction of a society, was still out of tune.

How am I responsible when the government that I select does not correspond to what I want? Where did I go wrong? How did humans allowed into the governing positions for public service individuals are barely trained, without experience or morals?

All of these are related to the slow changing of humans, who reject the new and are fearful so many persist on their errors, choosing the known, really forgetting the reach of harm caused by a bad government. Society pays for the disarray, entangled in several political parties than are always motivated by promises of happiness without effort, illusions of magical thinking that “everything will be all right “ – entire populations through the world elected the wrong representatives, over and over, risking the precarious democracy built through the times.

The urgent need for homes, food or better purchasing power influenced the masses at the time of the elections, choosing the “fatherly” that promised most miracles. At other countries fear of the middle classes to lose their small status, kept getting mediocre governments, and in other countries, named “the developed ones,” the power of the wealthy kept in power the strong heads that guaranteed inertia and suffocated the social harmony. At some other countries the great ignorant multitudes pushed “downward” the elected ones, while at others the interest of the few kept in the governing side the ones that loved to argue and fight, the backward, the imperialists without a heart and the exaggerated nationalists.

The representative government is supposed to have as a cause a people with intelligence that are efficient and universal. Then humanity would ascend to this level. With good will, faith and action this new world could be built. {Chronicle 059}

The Diversity Unity (Registry for a walker – I)

[11/20/2016] The three following registries are a part of a story found in ancient writings, at a primitive magnetic disk of a computer right after the year 2000. The person that wrote it is a girl named Soraya, who already could see the forthcoming changes for the planet. This publication is homage to the walkers that sustained the light, when the darkness was still a threat:

“Earth remains in peace. Thousands of beings go from one side to the other of the planet in wonder of the living styles of each town and the culture. The majority of these people have never left their birth places and not even other areas or cities of their own countries. Now they are experiencing other worlds and are expanding their possibilities of a new conscience.

The falling of the borders between the countries made possible to the world for a great leap in conscience and perception, thus increasing the quality of life. Everyone acquired a sense of unity and at the same time of diversity: we live in the same world, the planet earth and at the same time, each people has their own characteristics. This is one of the basic directives of the Planetary Government: the sense of Unity in Diversity. As it was said in the last edition, we will tell more about our history of integration and Unity". [Special Registry – SMP] 085

The bad human actions

{11/28/2010} Justification came to be a habit for the people, more than ever through the whole of the history of humanity. If in ancient times living conditions were precarious and knowledge was distant, in 2010, at an era of information and technology as a world net, knowledge was far more accessible for whoever searched, although the power of decision seemed weak. To every evil that appeared there was an excuse. For each incongruence for the social system, an excuse. For each mistake, a lack of commitment and decision to correct it.

The disbelief in the political and economical system touched bottom for the people, that did not perceive their responsibility in the disruption of the social order. Isolated at their particular work, men delegated at their unions and categories their struggle for their rights, to the “government” the solving of the unequal economies, to the social agents the solution of health and education problems, distortion of the systems, punishment and prison for criminals.

At all sides the truth of what was wrongly done is clear; at the ill planned cities, the badly paved and worse kept roads, the lack of preservation of city property, for everything that was being built, manufactured, sold or serviced, in all you could clearly see lack of care and interest for the fellow beings or for nature. Or there were clear knowledge and view of toxic agricultural tainted food or too expensive produce and meats, or buildings that were falling apart; people that could not get medical emergency attention, lack of ambulances, medicine. People badly dressed, badly nourished, showing clear signs of lack of sleep and to be living an illusion of having found the formula for happiness consuming but not getting satisfied.

The repertoire of wonderful actions for the humans grew as well, silently. Who could name them? Which of those actions for unity and practiced by society could do to provide an impulse for transformation? {Chronicle 060}

The Golden Era

[11/06/2016] Questions related about the true identity of God were the impulse towards the change for the Golden Era. At confirmation that the only divine reality is Love and Total Wellness, the individuals turned away from fear and the new civilization could flourish.

During several thousand years men was coerced by torturing ideas of a vindictive Creator that punished freely. This generated fear, pay-back and hatred among men that felt they had the right to interpret the “Godly Will” in their own ways and to place the neighbor where they thought they should be, including taking away their lives. If God is all Love and the energy is based among this principle, there is nothing to be afraid of, nor oppose life for Love heals, grows, glorifies, generates and pleases the most demanding of the human beings.

It is surprising to study the human history and verify that so much destruction was caused by the erroneous interpretation of God. Imagine the whole planetary system, economy, science, education, society, everything growing and attempting to progress with distorted ideas about the true nature of God, imagining in command an irate Father that punished and in charge of life throughout the whole universe. Fear changed the vision of men and influenced his own conscientious evolution, his actions, impulse the disbelief and rebelliousness, thus taking away millions of lives.

Although the decision to search for the truth, the will to change and finally, the concrete action of human beings that were awake, broke the ties of intellectual limitations and made humanity to be awake as well from their sleep-like time, to finally reach the light! [Registry 084]

Virtual voluntary assistance

{11/14/2010} What could change? Everyone asked. While scientists talking basically of doom, aimed to the possibilities of polar melting and nearby forthcoming Tsunamis, the optimist said that men could adapt to anything and still be a part of difficult times. But how could there the unity if so few took their time to move forward?

In the middle of the challenges of the century, the populations continued forward, programmed for daily survival. As time passed the disappointment of scandals – a daily matter – corruption and more corruption seemed endless and that men could never free himself from it. People that were 60, 70 or older were more conscious, even though the physical effort acquired by the rigors of maintaining a quality of life, plus the load of shame of not having been able to rid themselves of greed and ambition as everyone else
Climate continued hammering on the people at both hemispheres. Being able to adapt to heat or cold and other climate changes was being discussed. Water usage controls started everywhere; first as statistics and then alerting and rationing. There was water and fire at rebellions everywhere. Nature fires, tremendous storms, destruction of cities and harvests, flooding and devastation. In the middle of these troubles, craziness at the alarming news.

At this times, charity and solidarity started to be virtual; with a click, millions would be transferred to institutions that would preserve forests or children from malnutrition. The people were eager to contribute with stocks, having their busy times unavailable so they looked to delegate their power and actions into others to proceed. But would these actions be enough? What was it that kept imprisoned so many of the good men and women? {Chronicle 061}

God of Love

[10/23/2016] At this year end of 2016 we can register the progress the planet is reaching on its new evolution stage: a just society, with guaranteed liberty for every individual, managed by good leaders, resulting in great progress on all areas of human knowledge. It is worth noting that the forthcoming of the conscious spiritual relationship between God and men – the so-called Cosmic conscience – has been like a spring propelling individual and collective progress never seen before. The understanding of the idea of a God of Love, The Father for humanity and the resulting brotherhood of men, enlarged relations of the individuals towards the notion of a universal family, changed everything previously established, mostly taken for granted concepts and making the rebirth of values, adding to the evolutionary challenge of men new parameters about self perfectioning.

The desire to move forward took a different proportion, not being restricted to the individual values, nor physical or mental, or of emotion control, but searching the activation for all the spiritual potential in every one of us, through experience and daily practice, studies and taking notes, so the registry would be established for the individual advances. What was of the most interest is that at reaching a set level of experience and and knowledge for the majority of men, those dedicated to matters of the spirit, acquire coherence between the word and the action, turning them into a special impersonal source of energy, wisdom and love. As the number of wisemen among us grows larger and spreading in all fields, on each continent multitudes of humans seem to be pushed upwards by the conquered levels, so from this situation emerges an indication of a new civilization. How far would we reach? [Registry 083]

The earth repopulated

{10/31/2010} Normaly in the day to day men take care of “their own lives.” Daily they work the land, the feed themselves and then rest. Although millions are still stuck in the evolutionary world, disregarding the potential ascending spiritual powers. They maintain their bodies well but ignore their souls. Earth gets new spiritual beings, but those that arrive get submerged into the fog of mediocrity and lack of values.

Alienation of a good part of the latter generations of the second millenium reached the top of individuality around 2010. Molded by the picky society of purchasing, plus the never hidden power of the economy, started to program their lives based on concepts dictated by de god money: that is get an education, marry, children, travel. Everything was directed towards acquiring the logic of the financial values and convenience. Formality was lost but spontaneity was gained and into easier solutions. The “get married and get separated,” the fast marriages, the sexual touching at party gatherings, reinforced the thinking that “what’s important is to be happy” when what was really of value would have been to discover earthly knowledge, instead of living mechanically and thinking that happiness is a cheap ‘pop-up.’

The newer generations born after the year 2000, where eager to see the world and the possibilities of real life. They question their parents, demanded too much attention and carried the seal of life on their foreheads. The planet was ready for a transformation. {Chronicle 062}