Sunday 10 August 2008

Small debaters

[08/03/2014] The results of premature acting of the new generations, with surprising capabilities of intelligence, have been cause for content and surprise. Children and young ones have promoted continuous modifications around them, principally with an active participation in the process of educational reconstruction. It is becoming impossible, according to teachers and parents, any intention to control these new abilities, well known for the brilliant incursions in scientific fields and matters related to humanity.

One of these matters, of great interest for children, is related to the development process of human race in their aspects of unification and spiritualization. They are showing a great interest in participating in councils, classes, philosophical reunions, gatherings where they could expose their feelings and perceptions of their surrounding world. Sensibilized with this fact, the planetary government is modifying the participating system in symposiums and congresses, so that they can be entered by any citizen using the simplified code GI# . [Registry 25]

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