Sunday 5 October 2008

War Stories

{10/05/2008} “And the incidents continued in the African countries, wars and power takeovers. All nations remained prisoners of their past, whether being in relation to the deformities caused by tribal inheritances, of classes and groups, or being by the deadly remnants of colonialism, they continued with their dangerous fights.

And the world continued not to listen to the African brothers. It was not just a matter of sending peace troops or packages of clothing and food that more than often never reached those that needed them the most. It was a matter of asking for forgiveness for all the damage caused against the people of many nations, as a gesture of sincere repent. Various types of viruses would be surging out of the decomposed bodies, after the massacres and the unburied corpses. But that which was sown, one day would be harvested. Many generations of people would be paying for their actions in their past. While all of these were happening, beings of Light, all over the planet were working heavily towards the compensation of those people and peace would reign again. Most incompatibilities vanished, although not all of them.

New earth crust movements were signaled. And the hurricane coming from the Americas was formed; charged with forces from the past, from the remote past. Many angels were exposed, forces from the good were provided to harmonize the outcries of war. {Chronicle 116}

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