Sunday 28 December 2008

An Internal Revolution

{28/12/2008} The systematic melting of the polar caps and the shifting of the tectonic plates activated unexpectedly the surge of cyclones, hurricanes, tornados, volcanoes and tsunamis. Nevertheless, the largest revolution was internally in the inhabitants of the planet; coming from inside their hearts and minds of the evolutionary humans. Millions of books, movies, interviews, investigations about the course of the planet where produced at this times. Films explored the somber possibilities of the future, meanwhile the believers of all religions turned towards their faith as a chance to save themselves and their souls.

At this times the governments met with selected groups of scientists and the biggest technological enterprises of the world, to produce at the moment a detailed planning towards finding preventive and provisionary solutions, looking to heal the flooding, droughts and other atypical phenomena that came upon at the end of 2008; but, as always, each placing its “stamp of power” over the interest of majority and it became impossible to reach global agreements. The contradictions of human attitude, unyielding to the extreme couldn´t suppress the enthusiasm of those that believed in the Common Good and the evolutionary rise of humanity: The Code of Love had already been revealed and many knew that the future of humanity would be brilliant. Concrete actions of love were of urgency. {Chronicle 110}

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