Sunday 11 January 2009

The Year that Preceded the Change

{11/01/2009} With the evidence of the distortions created by the human economic system, that caused the creation of the greatest corporations, moved solely by human greed, by 2008 had taken the shape of demons of evil. Ferocious, destructive and apparently invincible, generated unemployment, hunger and misery. Massive numbers of people resigning to their positions, bankruptcies, disappearance of capitals in record times, brought forth currency and employment scarcity. The social and private assistance grids of basic services for the people started to collapse. Crisis started to show painful scenes at the first world: food lines, people dying of hunger and sickness being unable to receive government help.

These “financial entities” that showed no interest in following laws, respect nature and not even human life in the planet, making use of twisted mechanisms to change the laws, using political power and institutional weaknesses to cover up their actions, continued to withdraw the most for their convenience, disregarding the actual situation.

The biggest depravation was the taking over of the planet life support systems – everything that was created and placed to the disposal of the free man at no cost, was being taken, shared and divided as private property of men that never showed their faces. Earnings and anxiety to possess was the motivation to their existence.

At the end of 2008, a world alert was proclaimed: “That what is being demanded today out of humanity, and of all governments is that all technology, projects and systems and reunited and activated as an emergency, to attend the possible and imminent increase of catastrophe and geological changes that are to starting in the planet.” Nevertheless, the brilliance of the Christmas and end of year holiday celebrations distracted full of fear and sleeping masses. {Chronic 109}

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