Sunday 6 February 2011

New clothes

[11/09/2016] Natural synthetic fibers have become artifacts of our garments since the advent of the new humanity. Clothing was an important advance for bringing comfort, care and protection to the body in the last three years. Who was accustomed to virtual dressing room, where it was necessary to take measures of the body, the registry of data in a computer and to wait for the programming of the manufactured clothing in a semi industrial way, will have fun with the new dressing, a moving arc which one enters for the scanning of all measures and volumes of the body. Then the cloth is manufactured.

Hot and cold, wet and dry areas of the body are also mapped for the definition of the materials and also the thicknesses in order to manufacture the clothes. After given a purpose, chosen color or pattern and added some details, specific to the individual taste, the chief dressing commands the manufacturing of the cloth that is ready in less than 20 minutes after the process started.

This is possible because the new fabric, a mixture of synthetic and natural fibers, small particles are injected into the machine designer who creates a virtual puppet of the client's body and expel the fibers that are being joined by fiber gluing, producing a garment perfect for the body, according to the model chosen. It was very easy and comfortable to wear at any occasion and also improves physical performance, made to protect the body when needed. With the advantage that the material is fully recyclable and clothes in use serve as input to re-create new pieces. [Record 080]

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