Sunday 13 July 2008

New Life

[07/06/2014] – New atomic mass. Electrons. New Life. The molecular reorganization of the Planet, Saint Star of Liberation, also known as Urantia, is being studied by scientists that arrived from various parts of the Galaxies. At the temporal registry 1.587 ed* 38 interplanetary delegations were announced and will participate in tens of encounters.

The Government of the Seven Continents published via “Global Intercommunication” the aperture for the population of all scientific the aperture, for the population of all the scientific symposiums that are being held in the planet, with possibility of interaction for the lecturers and the assisting public to discuss matters of worldly interest.

Genetic mutation that used to develop monsters advanced to bioenergetics evolution that occurred while the Planet was being displaced. All the chemical transformation of the atmosphere, quadrupled the birth of children that used to be considered over qualified, but now, there are such quantities, that these births are natural. All of these are creating new parameters to define the human being capacities. Will it be that good nature and moods have improved as well? We can hear laughing everywhere! [Registry 23]

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