Sunday 27 July 2008

Who are we defending?

{07/27/08} During the times of planetary dispensation, the countries that grow in their enforcement of territorial and immigration regulations, at a moment when they should be discussing the distribution of riches pro human life. There is a negative feeling towards the future and first world nations believe they should preserve their territories, from the “invasion” of other human beings from poorer nations and in a state of disarray and wars.

It will be difficult to explain to future generations the reason for these decisions, when history is going through scrutiny, related to human occupation of the planet. To explain why the most important and armed nations colonized and continue to impose their game of power to the weakest. How they would just take their assets, without even providing the basic means for their development, to provide them with independence to progress and survive.

The most incomprehensible of these histories of the past is that human greed from harmonic societies did not guarantee anything for the “winners.” The total lack of respect to cosmic laws, global warming caused by aggression to nature and abandonment of entire populations to be on their own, would “return” in the way of new ailments, madness and spiritual misery, for the “winning” societies. A great part of the developed countries were living under conditions of “moral abandonment” and an unprecedented disaggregation in the history of the planet. {Chronics 121}

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